
Cell Phones In America

Decent Essays

Technology in our country is constantly evolving. One of the most popular technologies used every day by billions of people are cellphones. Cell phones have created a huge impact in the way that we communicate, research, and spend free time. Cellphones are used to bridge the gap that geography once created. Social media allows people to connect in a way never before possible. Instead of having to call and ask how a person's graduation went, one can now watch the graduation ceremony in real time from miles away with Facebook Live. Now a days, a person does not need to find a payphone to call their spouses to ask what's for dinner. In a matter of seconds, a person can text anyone and get a response almost instantly. Cellphones have broken down all the barriers of distance for correspondence. Twenty years ago, if someone wanted to know why the sky was blue, they would have to go to the library and sift through countless encyclopedias or other printed material to discover the knowledge they sought. Now a days, one can use a search engine to find out the answer to almost any question instantaneously. When I was growing up, a lot of questions I had went unanswered. These days, teens have the answer to everything from how to clear up acne to how to divide fractions in their pockets. In …show more content…

Shout-outs on a Facebook wall have replaced birthday cards. Texts have replaced long phone calls. We are able to communicate faster but not as genuinely. Learning has also gone into fast forward mode. We can find and absorb information faster than ever but search engines do not always provide accurate answers to the questions we seek. Apps might be a good way to eat away at the hours in a day, but is crushing candies or collecting characters really a productive use of time? Would time be better spent outside meeting people and enjoying the

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