
Challenges Facing The World Today 's Society

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Summary Resource A

Everyone is aware of the problems we face in the world today. Many people view business as the being the problem opposed to the solution or at least a part of the problem in many of the social challenges in today’s society. When thinking about solutions we tend to think about them in terms of NGOs, government, and philanthropy. Non-profits have also been a common way to help a societal problem. However, this has been happening for years and the world is not making fast enough progress. There is a problem of scale and ultimately do not have enough resources to deal with all the social problems the world faces today. The idea was that businesses are the ones with all the resources and the ones that generate profit. However, businesses make profit by causing social problems, for example pollution. In today’s society businesses do not profit from creating social problems, they profit from solving them. For example, reducing pollution saves money, makes the business more productive and doesn’t waste resources. Businesses need to adapt to the issue of shared value and become socially responsible in order to survive in society.


It was really good to have a video as a resource this week for resource A. I really enjoy watching the TED talk speaking as a visual learner it was really good to watch while also having the transcript printed out in front of me.

I had never really thought about the fact that businesses are often what cause social problems,

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