
Character Analysis Of Catcher In The Rye, By J. Caulfield

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Mr. Caulfield, I regret to inform you that you have been diagnosed with an array of medical conditions. These include antisocial personality disorder, paranoid personality disorder, and anxiety disorder. There are several examples of these presented in your diary. Your pathological lying, irrational hate towards just about anything, and odd fear of disappearing are just a few. These are not normal thoughts, and I will expand on why in the following paragraphs. Make sure to pay attention, Holden, because if you do not heed my warning, then a very slippery slope awaits. The clues of your having antisocial personality disorder are your pathological lying, impulsivity, and lack on long term goals. You even said so yourself, in the following excerpt from your journal: You lied to your friend’s mother even though it had no benefit to you whatsoever. This means that it was a subconscious reaction, suggesting that lying is a common habit. Also, you seem very impulsive, such as when you punched Stradtler without very much reason to do so. Many people who are not as sick as you are just as impulsive, but impulsivity along with symptoms such as the lying and irresponsibility. It is common for a person inflicted with anxiety to forgo their duties and roles in the …show more content…

Some symptoms include your tendency to always bear a grudge seems to show signs of paranoid personality disorder. You always call people phonies, despite them often doing no harm to you. You dislike actors when they are bad, but dislike them when they are too good, because then apparently, they know it. You punched stratdler for no reason and changed roommates simply because he had a cheaper bag than yours. You do seem to be sympathetic in parts, such as when your school friend jumped out the window, but these instances are few are far

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