
Character Analysis Of The Catcher In The Rye

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In the book The Catcher In The Rye the main character Holden is someone who gets annoyed and frustrated by mostly everything. He thinks that everything is lousy except his sister Phoebe. It seems as if he's always making excuses in order to not be together with someone. He looks for their flaw and hates on it. He makes it seem like it's such a loathsome flaw to have then he begins to hate them just for that one little thing. Holden does seem to prefer to put up walls around him instead of letting someone know what he truly feels and what is actually going on inside his head. He's also constantly lying to everybody whether it's about his age, name or what he's doing. Holden does not seem like he does this on purpose but it does affect how people around him see and treat him. Holden is talks a lot in the book about how nobody ever listens to him and everybody only care about themselves and in a lot of cases that is true but he doesn't see that even if someone did want to listen to him or show him even the slightest hint of love. When his old English teacher, Mr. Antolini, shows this Holden freaks and gets disappointed. He wants to make a connection with someone or somewhere but if he does then that means making an emotional attachment. Holden repeatedly mentions how important it is to not get attached to anything. He rather leave someplace or someone than to be utterly depressed and know that he can't go anymore to them.What I was really hanging around for, I was trying to

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