
Character Analysis: Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston

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Janie and Logan Killicks just got married. Janie hates his house because it is lonely, dull, and boring. Immediately Janie is finding things that she does not like in his life but she waits in hope that she will learn to love him. After three months of their marriage Janie goes to visit Nanny to talk about Logan. She does not communicate at first so Nanny starts to think of the worst. When she found out that the reason that Janie is mad is because she does not love Logan, she becomes agitated. Nanny thinks that because he is well off and has sixty acres of land that he is good for Janie and that she has no right to complain. Nanny knew that her days were limited so she had to put aside her feelings for Janie’s happiness to make sure that she was in good hands. Janie wanted her marriage to be like a blossoming pear tree but, that is not what she got from Logan. A month after that conversation Nanny died. Her experience with Logan has helped shape her into a woman because her first dream was dead. …show more content…

While he was away on a trip Janie met a man named Joe, or Jody, Starks. He was on his way to go to a new town being built that was populated only by colored people. He was kind to her and offered her an escape from Logan. She contemplated leaving or not leaving but, after the way Logan talked to her she decided to leave. He said that he would kill her out of anger but, it did not seem like he mean it because he was crying while saying it. This shows that he just did not know how to express his feeling for

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