
Characteristics Of Apple Watch

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Product Features
The innovative product I choose is apple watch. Apple watch is not only the common accessory compare with other common watches. The main attractive of Apple watch is maintain fitness or health. Apple watch help individual measure heart rate, set up workout target and contain accelerometer to calculate the burden calories. Besides, the individual can communicate without iPhone. The individual enable to receive calls and text. The watch contain the emoji so the individual can send the cute emoji to their friends. Moreover, Apple product can’t lack entertainment. Apple watch contain iTunes and apple TV. The individual can access iTunes to listen iTunes radio and allows the holder to stop and pause the songs. In addition, Apple watch has the others apps like smartphone such as Siri, maps and apple pay. For instance, the individual ask Siri for direction. After receive the direction, Siri will lead the individual.
Sources of idea or knowledge
Nowadays, there are several of diseases are appeared. Therefore, the individual should more care about their health. Thus, Apple invented a unique product which is Apple watch. Apple want make its customers healthier and help reform the healthcare system. According some information, Apple watch’s founder, Steve Jobs …show more content…

Therefore, Apple watch bring out the new concept, watch not just accessories, it can become the important role in our life. The design of Apple watch is such a unique concept such as the novel digital crown. The display of the smart watch is too small and difficult to see, Apple watch has a cool tool that makes navigating the small screen easier. The Digital Crown is a knob on the watch's right edge that acts like a home button. Pressing it returns you to the main screen, and turning it lets you zoom into apps or scroll through options in the interface (CHERLYNN LOW, 2015) (Appendix

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