
Childcare Breakdowns In The Workforce

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The labor force of the United States has changed drastically over the last forty years. According to the Department of Labor, in 2012, 64% of woman with children under the age of six are in the labor force. While only 34% of mothers were working in 1970 (Gullekson, Griffeth, Vancouver, Kovner, & Cohen, 2014). Furthermore, in 1974, 80% of kids under the age 17 were cared for by a parent (Morrissey & Warne, 2011). Given this dramatic increase of mothers in the workforce, there is a considerable amount of time missed by the working parent. On average, American working parents miss nine days of work per year and that number increases to thirteen as the child moves through daycare and into elementary school. Breakdowns in childcare cost businesses three billion dollars annually (Shellenback, 2004). Given these staggering numbers the demand for reliable and affordable childcare has never been bigger. 1.1 Lightening University Lightening University is a new community college located on the outskirts of Rocky Pennsylvania. It has 1,117 employees and has an average of 5,000 students enrolled in numerous programs. 1.2 Purpose The human resource department at Lightening University found that the leading cause of employee absences was related to unreliable childcare. Given the rural location, and the recent opening …show more content…

Employers elect to build and run their own child care facility at the workplace. This options is the most convenient and attractive for employees. In one study, at two separate facilities, the child care centers reported long waiting list, even if the cost was higher or the same as the local economy. Furthermore, employees who could have used a family provided care, at substantial less cost, chose to utilize the on-site care (Connelly, Degraff, & Willis, 2002). This option has all of the benefits of the FSAs and a few added benefits. However, this option comes with some inherent

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