
Childhood Obesity Changes In America

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Childhood Obesity – Changing a Culture in Norfolk Virginia Improving the health of children today is an important area of concern for health professionals. One of the largest epidemics facing children is the increase in childhood obesity. Childhood obesity has reached epidemic levels in developed countries; this includes twenty five percent of children in the United States who are overweight and 11% who are obese (Dehghan, Akhtar-Danesh & Merchant, 2005, p. 1). Not only have these numbers increased in past decades they are plaguing all aspects of our country. In order to impact this epidemic many changes are needed to meet the needs of these children, especially the children who live in large cities. In Virginia the childhood obesity rate …show more content…

Norfolk Virginia has a higher rate of adult obesity than the Virginia and United States average. The community of Norfolk Virginia’s obese children was chosen for this project, as children represent the future health of our country, obesity represents increasing healthcare costs, is a preventable condition with the proper education, and diseases resulting from childhood obesity are afflicting children at a younger age due to excess weight. The health professionals and community in Norfolk are concerned and taking action to combat the issue of childhood obesity through multiple modalities. The factors contributing to childhood obesity are multifaceted. Although there are many contributing factors to childhood obesity, studies show that certain behaviors are key contributing factors.
Although the mechanism of obesity development is not fully understood, it is confirmed that obesity occurs when energy intake exceeds energy expenditure. There are multiple etiologies for this imbalance, hence, and the rising prevalence of obesity cannot be addressed by a single etiology (Dehghan et al., 2005, p. …show more content…

10). These results do not support a clear contribution but it is attributed as a risk factor for obesity. The National Business Group on Health reports, Childhood obesity is more prevalent among 6 to 19 year olds (34%) than 2 to 5 year olds (24%), with more Mexican-American (38%) and African-American (35%) youth than overweight white youth (30.7%) (“Childhood Obesity It’s Everyone’s Business”). These percentages would suggest that certain socioeconomic groups are having an increased percentage of children who are obese, showing that further investigation is needed to identify the cause. In The Economics of Childhood Obesity Crawley reports, “Economics offers several useful tools for the study of childhood obesity: insight into the economic causes and consequences of obesity, clearly defined rationales for government intervention in market, and the use of cost-effectiveness analysis for comparing policies to prevent or reduce obesity (2010). The economic issues can affect obesity in many different

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