
Chinese Immigration in the 19th Century America

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1. Introduction Since its founding, the United States has attracted immigrants from all over the world and consists of a variety of different cultures. Immigration has had an enormous impact on American society and economy and shaped the country remarkably. American was dominated by the image of the melting pot that “melts up” all race differences and cultures to become on American culture. The ideas of multiculturalism started at the end of the nineteenth century and turned into the concept of cultural pluralism that defined the nation as a mixture of diverse ethnicities with different cultural backgrounds, all co-existing and contributing to the new nation. Over the past centuries, there have been debates on how to define the “real” …show more content…

In the background on the right side there are two Chinese men, one of them is sitting and the other one is braiding his hair to a traditional Chinese ponytail. In the back, Chinese men are working with their tools in the mines. The camp is surrounded by forests. This lithograph depicts a common camp scene at the mines in California. The Gold Rush drew thousands of Chinese workers to America. Besides fleeing from poverty and bad political situations in their home country, the one common goal was to reach economic wealth. But as much as they were searching for a better life, most of the Chinese immigrants did not intend to stay in the country permanently (Daniels 11). When the first Chinese arrived on steamships, they were greeted with hostility because they quickly became a significant part of labour. They were known to be hard and reliable workers. Borthwick´s intend was to picture every ethnic group that immigrated to America during the Gold Rush era. His drawing shows no derision or fear rather than curiosity. Big newspapers and magazines published the first pictures of the Chinese to inform the people how the newly arrived Chinese look like and how they integrate. The immigrants were a newsworthy subject, especially on the East coast. The picture shows their daily activities and how they lived. The men that are working in the back support the image of the Chinese as reliable and productive labours. The artist pictures

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