
The Issue Of Immigration Is Become A Major Debate For Everyone

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The issue of immigration has become a major debate for everyone. Although people argue over the negative impacts of immigrants living in America such as overcrowding, less jobs due to immigrants taking them, drug trafficking, and threatening of American culture, immigrants still have a huge impact in the American society. The United States is by far the largest destination for immigrants, annually receiving over a million legal immigrants and about seven hundred thousand illegal immigrants. Many people come to the United States to get a better life for themselves as well as for the education system for their children. Initially, the United States received about sixty percent of the world 's immigrants from 1820 to 1930. Population expansion in developed areas of the world, improved methods of transportation, and America 's desire to populate available space were all factors for this occurrence. Through the nineteenth century, the United States was in the midst of agricultural, and industrial expansion. The aspiration for inexpensive, unskilled labor and the profits made from importing immigrants fueled the movement. Immigrants were largely responsible for the rapid development of the country and the economy, their high birth rates increased the U.S. population. Over twelve million immigrants infiltrated the United States of America from 1892 to 1954 through a small island in New York Harbor called Ellis Island. Throughout the years, Ellis Island served as a gateway for

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