
Christian Theism : A Worldview Research Paper

Good Essays

Trina V. Evans
Professor Lynda Zackary
PRST 3301-08 Lifelong Learning
11 December 2014
Christian Theism: A Worldview Research Paper
Christianity is one of the dominant religions on the planet, and Christian Theism has played a major role in shaping the development of Western culture. Thanks to the pioneering efforts of Christian missionaries, Christian doctrine has even influenced the views of non-Christians. Nevertheless, the contemporary world is a pluralistic and diverse one, and postmodern perspectives have arisen to challenge the wide-ranging influence of Christian Theism. The purpose of this paper is to show how a belief in Christian Theism can help one understand the nature and meaning of life, and this paper will show evidence that this belief brings both uniformity and order to everything.
The Nature of Ultimate Reality in Christian Theism Every worldview, including Christian Theism, must grapple with the fundamental question of what is real. For Christian Theists, the answer lies in the identification of God. In The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog, James W. Sire explains that the nature of ultimate reality in Christian Theism is "the infinite, personal God revealed in Holy Scriptures. This God is triune, transcendent and immanent, omniscient, sovereign, and good" (28). Sire 's definition is an effective one because it identifies the unique characteristics which combine to form the Christian God. While other religious perspectives

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