
Civil War Dbq Essay

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Civil War DBQ Over the years, there has been constant debates and disagreements concerning what actually started the civil war. The civil war had a lot of political and social reasons ;however, the main reason is the north and the south's economic differences. For example, the differences in the technology, different working labors, and financial situations. All in all, the economical differences between the north and the south is what initially started the tensions between the North and the South. First, the North had more money from manufactured goods than the South. Source eight states that the North earns about one million more dollars then the South due to yearly value of manufactured goods. Southerners were very upset about this and they were also upset with the fact that because the north has more money from manufacturing, they had to go to the North for any utilities they needed. Source 7 says “It's a fact well known to every intelligent Southerner that …show more content…

The South invented the cotton gin which produced cotton a lot faster. One cotton gin equalled the same as seven slaves. According to source 6 “ This tool had completely changed the face of the south's agriculture and wealth. The south provide two thirds of the world cotton. Making the south very rich but also increasing slave numbers and the number of cotton farms.” Meanwhile, the north did not have suitable rock soil for establishing farmers. The north's economy came to be known for its trading and its factories. Source 9 states “ Industries and factories centered in the north. Many factories using mass production methods had sprung up there, and cities grew rapidly.” The North then started to build intricate railroad systems and shipping industries to transport the manufactured goods. As you can see the north and the south had huge technology differences which also caused a lot of tension between the states as

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