
Civil War: The Missouri Compromise And Kansas-Nebraska Act

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Civil War Argument Paper The Civil War was the deadliest war in American history. In total almost 800,000 Americans were killed, more than the number killed in the American Revolution, World War 1, World War 2, and Vietnam combined. But what led to Americans fighting other Americans. They Civil War was fought over a topic that had been in controversy for years, slavery. Many decisions were made about slavery before the civil war, many of them controversial. The Missouri Compromise and Kansas-Nebraska act were the main events that tore the nation apart and caused the Civil War. During the years leading up to the civil war, the issue of slavery was the main focus of most politicians. The people in the North were anti-slavery and wanted slavery to be gone forever. The people in the South, some who owned slaves, thought that slavery was a okay and that it should be legal. One of the first laws passed that had to do with slavery was the Missouri Compromise in 1820. In early 1819, Missouri applied to become a state of the union. At this time, there were 11 states that allowed slavery and 11 that did not. This balance was crucial because it meant that there was equal representation in congress for both sides. But Missouri would become a slave state, tipping the balance in favor of the South. To address …show more content…

Although the Civil War was the worst war in U.S. history, many people, including presidents, thought that it would have to happen for the issue of slavery to be solved. John Adams said, “If the union must be dissolved, slavery is precisely the question on which it ought to break,” (John Adams). Although the war killed thousands of Americans, it set thousands free, breaking the chains that bound African Americans to their

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