
Classical Athens Vs Han China Dbq

Decent Essays

Classical Athens & Han China Essay

Some great differences between Classical Athens and China are represented by many different documents. They have very unalike categories in which both of the countries can be put in. Athens and China have divergent forms of their governments, the expectations of their citizens, and the arts, ideas, and religion in which they follow and believe. One of the differences between these two very varying places are their type of government. According to documents E and F, Athenians governed themselves and had a democracy, while Han China had the Mandate of Heaven. Also stated by these documents was that the Athens General (ruler) could be elected an infinite amount of times, but when an emperor of Han China goes …show more content…

As found in documents Q and R, Athenian women were treated slightly better than the way the Chinese women were. A Chinese woman were more “controlled.” Also that if a woman from this area didn’t meet the traits and standards from document R, then they would be considered a disgrace. According from document H, Athenian citizens made up ⅙ of the population and had to meet the following citizenship qualifications: (1) male (2) 18 years of age (voting age in Assembly was 30) (3) free (non-slave) (4) father and mother must be citizens (as of 451 BCE with the passage of law). “Here each individual is interested not only in his own affairs but in the affairs of the state as well.” Mentioned by document N, it informs that a Greek child grew up in an enchanting world, meaning that for ten days after birth the father could inspect the baby, and if he found it deformed or weak, he could order it to be exposed in some public place to die (if the baby survived that first night). In Han China, this would be terrible; A mother “hugs her child” and cherishes every moment with it, wondering how to keep both of themselves alive...however, they still do decide rather to keep or reject the

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