
Classism In Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye

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How does classism within a community affect how people see themselves and their situation? The use of classism in The Bluest Eye, is a great way that Morrison shows her readers the separation of her characters and how the importance of class influences characters. Toni Morrison shows the issues of classism through the children, the adults, and the concepts of beauty within the story. To begin with, Morrison starts her story by showing classism between kids within the very first paragraph of the text by illustrating the conflict between the Macteer girls and a next door neighbor, Rosemary Villanucci. Rosemary is a white child who seems to always be in Claudia and Frieda’s business by either telling on them to their mother, Mrs. Macteer, or just making fun of them for not being as privileged. Rosemary’s family is much better off than the Macteer family mainly due to the fact that her father owns his own café. Rosemary enjoys showing off her wealth to taunt Claudia and Frieda, who she knows has less privileges. Claudia and Frieda see Rosemary sitting in her family's 1939 Buick eating some bread and butter, she then rolls down the window just to tell Frieda that she cannot come in the car. Claudia’s thoughts reflect that “Rosemary Villanucci, our next-door friend who lives above her father's café, sits in a 1939 Buick eating bread and butter. She rolls down the window to tell Frieda and me that we can’t come in” (Morrison 9). Morrison uses the year of the Villanucci’s Buick to

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