
Clayton State University Experience

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Abstract: As I look back on my internship at Clayton State University, I am supremely thankful for the experience. I entered this with three main learning objectives: to learn and experience the operation of an enterprise IT infrastructure, to learn and experience enterprise database administration, and to learn and experience enterprise networking. Nine since the commencement of this internship, I can say with confidence that I have met my goals. Leading up to this, I feel like my past experiences have prepared me. Though I did not know everything, I used what I previously learned. The tasks and projects given to me allowed me to become part of an organization. Furthermore, having the opportunity to sit one-on-one with multiple people in the department expanded my palate within the spectrum of IT. All in all, this was a successful, beneficial experience.

1. Introduction

Clayton State University (CS) commenced its academic mission as a junior college in 1969 to 942 students. Seventeen years later CSU transitioned into a four-year institution that now offers over 38 undergrad-programs and eight graduate programs. Over the past decade and a half, Clayton State added six new buildings on its campus and continues to trek forward in reaching its goal: making the dreams of people a reality. …show more content…

I had the opportunity to not only observe but also contribute to the function and operation of the technology department. I also learned a great deal of many skills and lessons, yet used what I have learned in my academic journey and personal experiences this far. The people I worked with added to the experience. I could approach them with anything and they provided assistance. Also, their relaxed, cool, calm, and collective mindset made this place a low-stress, learning environment. With what I learned and accomplished here, I hope it will bring me closer to my goal. Here is to the end of one adventure and to the start of the

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