
Colette Inez's 'Back When All Was Continuous Chuckles'

Decent Essays

Inez’s “Back When All Was Continuous Chuckles”: Keeping Innocence in Times of Hardships.

Colette Inez, author of ten poetry books, is known as a writer, reviewer, contest judge and writing teacher. She has won several awards for her writing and even worked on the governing board of the Poetry Society of America in 1979-1980. Colette lives in New York, which happens to be the setting of her poem “Back When All was Continuous Chuckles” ("Colette Inez." ).
This narrative poem, tells a story about the speaker and her friend Doris riding the Beeline bus towards Hempstead, NY. They are laughing and making jokes. The humorous tone changes when the speaker brings up Doris’s mother having “the big C which no one said out loud (15)”. It can be assumed …show more content…

Sometimes we heard moans from the back room and I helped wring out cloths and Doris brought water in a glass held to her mother’s lips (17-22)” it is the first time we see the children in a serious manner as they take care of Doris’s mother. While the war may be a faraway thought, Doris’s mother having cancer directly affects the children and they have to deal with reality for a short time.
As soon as Doris’s mother can be left alone the children are able to return to their happy little world apart from the rest: “But soon we were flipping through joke books, withering on the floor, war news shut off, back when we pretended all was continuous chuckles (23-25)”. Here the author reveals that while the title of the poem may have been “Back When All Was Continuous Chuckles” the children were only pretending that it was a carefree time by using humor and jokes in everyday life to distract themselves from the terrible things going on around them.
Inez ends the poem with these powerful lines, “and we rode the bus past Greenfield’s rise where stones, trumpeting angels, would bear names we later came to recognize (26-28)”. The cemetery is mentioned again, this time in a graver tone. It is no longer a place they can joke about, now they know people buried in Greenfield and it would be a very different experience riding by the cemetery

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