
College Athletes Should Be Paid To Play

Decent Essays

College Athletes Should be Paid to Play College sports coming to an end with another emotional chutes and ladders match between the best teams within the NCAA. March Madness knocking at the door, along with a overwhelming “$11 billion for three weekends” that these teams pull in for NCAA (Michael). You have the best athletes in college competing in one of the most vigorous sports competitions in the USA. Now exactly how much do these athletes get paid for bringing in billions of dollars and putting on these shows for thousands if not millions to watch? Absolutely none of that is given to them not even a penny. There payment is the $5,000 to $10,000 scholarship that some of them have. Video games, ticket sales, advertising, and merchandise …show more content…

This all started as a conversation about “about video game royalties”; for instance, NCAA football and NCAA basketball (USA). Both games stopped being made due to college players suing because the NCAA was using their names and pictures on the front but were denying to give them any cut. So what does the NCAA do? Use the same stats and ratings just replace the pictures and change the names. Now let's get deeper former A&M superstar QB Johnny “football” Manziel was suspended for “allegedly selling merchandise with his autograph on it” (USA). Apparently “the use of his or her name or picture to advertise, recommend or promote directly the sale or use of a commercial product or service of any kind” is against NCAA bylaw, (USA). So colleges and the NCAA can use their names and pictures for billboards, advertisements, merchandise, etc; but the person themselves …show more content…

Now when athletes are asked about how much time they actually practice it’s a different story. The 20 hours that are supposed to be are actually turn out to where “Division I football players averaged 43 hours a week. Baseball came in second with 42.1 hours and men’s basketball came in third with 39.2. These are in-season numbers” each major college sport 15 hours above the 20 hours so said by the NCAA (USA). College athletes follow the path of sports most of the time due to financial reasons. With a little pay from the efforts they put in most likely a majority of them would continue to stay in school. Since, college is more about being a student rather than an athlete a little pay wouldn't hurt to help keep a student and a athlete in their organization and their school. These athletes aren’t being payed for nearly a full-time job. They put their bodies on the line for little compensation and with their performances bring in more than five billion dollars every year. College basketball players being able to join the NBA as a freshman in college and college football players able to join the NFL just after their junior year, now whats honestly stopping them from doing so? Absolutely nothing is stopping them when you truly sit and think. Going to the NBA and NFL they're still gonna be playing competitive sports but now they actually get compensation for their

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