
Colorimetric Analysis Case Study

Decent Essays

According to the BMI for Erin’s height and weight, she is considered to be under weight. A healthy weight for Erin is between 125 lbs. to 158 lbs. The recommended intake of protein for adults is 0.85 grams per kilogram of healthy body weight per day. Based on Erin’s weight, she should be consuming 43 grams of protein. Erin has been calculating her recommended dietary allowance based on an unhealthy weight and not the midpoint of the healthy weight range, which is 141 lbs. Erin’s recommended daily protein requirement should be 51grams.
2. Assuming a healthy weight for Erin is 141 pounds, use the information from the “How to” feature (p. 185) in this chapter to calculate her recommended daily protein requirement. Show your calculations. Erin’s …show more content…

What percentage of Erin’s current energy intake comes from protein? Remember that protein provides approximately 4 kcalories per gram.) Is this adequate? Why or why not?
40 grams of protein x 4 kcal per gram = 160 kcals divided by 1200 kcals per day = 13.3%.
Erin’s current energy intake that comes from protein is 13.3%. Erin’s percentage of current energy intake from protein falls between the recommended 10 to 35 percent. However, this is not adequate because the protein RDA is based on grams per day based on reference body weights. Erin is not consuming enough calories based on her height and weight, which cause her to not meet the protein RDA.
4. Erin’s energy needs for a healthy weight are closer to 1600 calories a day. How might her low calorie intake influence her protein status and possibly contribute to her current health issues?
An inadequate amount of protein can cause a number of health issues. Erin was consuming 160 kcal of protein, which equals 13% of the protein RDA. Erin’s low calorie intake influences her protein status and possibly contributes to her current health issues because she is consuming too little protein and is limiting amino acids. Since Erin is not supplying her body with enough protein to perform their roles, she is causing inadequate nutrient absorption. In addition, her low calorie intake is causing her to become easily susceptible to illness and

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