
Recording Food Intake For Three Days Essay

Decent Essays

Making sure nutritional needs become a part of any lifestyle requires understanding exactly what the body needs to obtain and maintain optimal health. The recording food intake for three days provides many areas of nutrition that I am more aware of that before; this includes protein, carbohydrate, lipid, and fiber intake needs. Meeting the nutritional needs of the human body helps to ensure a healthy lifestyle that is free of disease and illness.
Intake of Protein, Carbohydrates, and Lipids
The 3-days-diet from the iProfile data shows the majority of protein intake from meats, such as chicken and tuna. The data shows that protein is a nutrient in nearly every food source but is lower than four grams if it is not a meat product. …show more content…

Adding more servings of whole wheat grains, such as brown rice will assist in raising both the fiber and carbohydrate intake as well.
The right combinations of food help to guarantee that the food an individual consumes is complete in its nutritional content of proteins, such as combining vegetables and grains that separately have incomplete proteins but together provide complete proteins (Grosvenor & Smolin, 2012). Out of the 20 amino acids the human body needs, only 11 of those are produced in the liver. The remaining amino acids must come from protein sources. If the consumption of grain and vegetables continues to occur together complete protein will continue to be part of a healthy diet.
Macronutrient Intake Ranges
To maintain optimal health through a balanced diet it is important to keep the intake of macronutrients within the recommended ranges. The effects of eating too many macronutrients or not enough can cause under-nourishment or over-nourishment. “Over-nutrition occurs when long term human energy intake exceeds energy expended on basal metabolism, digestion, work and leisure” (Huffman, Huffman, Rickertsen, & Tegene, 2010, p. 5). Over-nutrition of any nutrient in some instances can create toxicity in the human body that may result in future morbidity. The macronutrient intake during the 3-day-diet ranges both inside and outside of the

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