
Diet Analysis I have learned a lot from this two-day diet analysis assignment. In my two day

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Diet Analysis
I have learned a lot from this two-day diet analysis assignment. In my two day assessment, I recorded my food intake, quantities, drinks, snacks, condiments, where and who I was with during the meal, the time of day, and the amount of time I spent eating. I was able to analyze my diet to examine what I was eating and what types of nutrients I was getting. I then compared all aspects with my recommended levels of nutrients for my dietary recommended intake. I learned that my eating habits are not the best and could lead to serious health problems in the future that may be detrimental.
The book describes a healthful diet as one that includes: consuming a variety of nutrient-dense foods within the food groups; limiting intake …show more content…

I was surprised that the amount of carbohydrates I consumed on both days was below what was recommended for me. They are usually my weakness so I expected them to be too high.
Which Day was better? When I first started looking over the results, I thought that I had done better on Day 2 because it seemed to have fewer areas where my levels were low. I thought the second day had more intakes of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals around my goal, but when examining the information closer within the bar graphs of each day and the bar graphs averaged together, I wasn’t so sure this was the case.
Day 1 was lower in more areas. Some that were below 50 percent were: polyunsaturated fat, cholesterol, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin D, folate, potassium, and sodium. The only one that I thought was too high was phosphorus. Day 2 was below 50 percent in: dietary fiber, vitamin D, vitamin E, and potassium. However, it was too high in about 12 areas.
When the two days were averaged, it about equaled out. I decided that Day 1 was actually better because it wasn’t too high in fats and cholesterol and I was only lacking in a few areas which I could easily improve on by adding more nutrient-dense foods like fruits and vegetables. However, Day 2 was high in a lot of areas which could lead to over nutrition and toxicity symptoms. I think the best would be somewhere in the middle of the two days.
Vitamin A
One thing that concerned me about my vitamin intake was

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