
Columbine Shooting Research Paper

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Closeness to Columbine

Born on November 9th, 1970, Lisa Vanderbeck grew up in a very close knit neighborhood, always doing things with her neighbors, whether they were thirty years older than her, or ten years younger. One person who she was extremely close to was a friend of her moms, Mrs. Louis, who lived five doors down from her. Lisa, her mom, and twin sister would go over to her house at least once a week for “Avon Lady Day”. They would drink coffee, and hang out with the other neighbors who attended.

During the summer Mrs. Louis’s daughter and her family would come home from Colorado for two or three weeks to visit. While they were in St. Louis, they would all do things together, whether it was sitting around one of their living …show more content…

history and prompted a national debate on gun control and school safety, as well as a major investigation to determine what motivated the gunmen, Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17” ( She noticed how her entire neighborhood was under this umbrella of stress and concern. She talks about how Mrs. Louis didn't hear from her daughter for two days. One can only imagine how stressed and worried everyone in that family was. With being in such a stressful environment, Lisa did not give specifics on what she and the others did while waiting for news on the grandchildren of Mrs.Louis, but she did give me some information “You know, it’s a very stressful time. I think we talked about that would be okay. That as the news reports came, and they knew that kids were out of the school safe. Eventually they recognized who the shooters were as they started going through the school, and making sure that kids were okay, and matching kids. We just kinda sat there and held hands, and just prayed, and provided emotional support”

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