
Comedy Is The Most Significant Form Of Humorous Expression

Decent Essays

Comedy is the most significant form of humorous expression. It is a type of communication used to talk about the social and cultural problems in society. They talk about subjects that would make society defensive but do it in a way that lightens a serious subject.Many people see comedy as humorous but there’s more to it then just laughs in America it talks about a lot of problems in society such as politics and racial profiling. Although comedians try to make jokes and entertain the audience, they make you notice the reality of today’s society and problems. Comedy is offensive and known for talking about stereotypes but put into funny stories therefore making the audience laugh and feeling comfortable. Comedy also has a way of discussing …show more content…

One issue is how Africa is being viewed from America 's point of view. In their point of view they see Africans as starving dark skin people, but they do not know about the families who are eating well in Africa.They are using the few on the commercial to show how the rest of africa looks like which is not true.He also said there always has to be a famous person in the commercial to promote their commercial So what this is saying is that the main focus should be on the famous person not the starving families. So without these commercials Americans would not be able to picture Africans. Another example by Mr. Noah on how society operates from a sociological perspective is when he talked about when he was given the opportunity to choose what race he while making a bank account.He said he was never able to choose a box of his own choice, so he chose white as his race. What Mr. Noah is trying to say is that whites have more advantages than other races so it would be smarter of him if he picked white as his race. As Mr. Noah checked white as his race and the banker looked at him and started making a face. Society is not used to seeing whites like so she was confused when he picked white. Next example made by Trevor Noah is when he was in Los Angeles ready to perform a show. He was backstage with a bunch of comedians and someone was doing a check if everyone is he, so he asked for the African guy and looked for the darkest person in

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