
Company A's ERP System

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Company A's ERP system
Company A being a leading value added distributor for Telecom hardware platform and services in APAC can benefit largely from the implementation of an ERP system. The ERP system will be their business management tool to assist them to use a system of applications which are integrated to manage their regular activities. The ERP system will incorporate all aspects of the entire organization including finance and accounting, human resources, manufacturing and supply chain management, project management, customer relationship management, data services and control of access ADDIN EN.CITE Wallace2001619(Wallace & Kremzar, 2001)6196196Wallace, T.F.Kremzar, M.H.ERP: making it happen : the implementers' guide to success with enterprise resource planning2001New YorkWiley9780471392019 HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_10" o "Wallace, 2001 #619" Wallace & Kremzar, 2001). Company A is currently experiencing some major problems as a result of not having an ERP system. First is that the ordering process is not efficient and therefore it takes a long time to process one purchase order and this leads to delays in terms of ordering to their supplier if no existing stocks are available and causes the customer to wait for a longer delivery time. Secondly is that employees need to do more manual data-entry which is quite tedious and stressful.
Without the ERP system, Company A cannot effectively manage Inventory.

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