
Compare And Contrast Classical Athens And Han China

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Athens vs. Han China While both classical Athens and China were about six thousand miles apart, each civilization produced influences that still affect our world today as we speak. Though China and Athens shared many similarities, they also had many differences including art, society, and government. Art in the Athenian culture showed that males were the superior being and that sports were very common and enjoyed by most. Men often competed in discus throwing competitions in the Olympics, but in order to do so, they needed to be physically fit. In Athenian paintings, men were depicted having muscles and being very lean (“Document 11”). In China however, numerous scenes of nature were drawn using bright colors, expressing that it was of great importance. Nature was superior to man because many artists often made people and animals a lot smaller than the trees and plants. The images showed how it was calm and peaceful, that’s why Lao-tzu wrote that you find serenity when you return to a common source (“Document 12”). …show more content…

Confucius was a popular philosopher in China and he believed that straightness was to be found in such a behavior because individuals like a father and a son would cover up for one another (“Document 10”). Pericles also believed that no man should be kept out of office because of his social standing. This helped Athens become a modeled society so everyone was equal before the law. Pericles said that they were a model to other neighboring states (“Document 4”). In Han China, there were social classes, the emperors being at the top and the “mean people” being at the bottom. “Mean people” made up about seven percent of the population and many of them were street artists, unskilled workers, and household slaves (“Document

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