
Compare And Contrast Middle East Religions

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Middle East Religions Compare and Contrast Essay
Three of the world’s most followed and influential religions in the word are Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Together, their followers account for over half of the human population. Unsurprisingly considering their successes, they have many things in common. They have similar basic beliefs. All three believe in one God. Muslims call this god “Allah”. Jews call their god “Yahweh”. Christians simply address theirs as “God. They also all believe in a day of judgement.
Judaism, Islam, and Christianity have been referred to as the Religions of the Book. This is due to the fact that they all have a holy text that they use to aid in worship. This is one of their most important similarities. The Muslim Qur’an is their holy book, and it means recitation. It is a compilation of the teachings of Muhammad. The Christians read from the Bible, a canon of many writings. It is split into two different Testaments: the New and the Old. Finally, the Jewish holy book is the Torah. It is very similar to the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.
Another common trait among Christianity, Judaism, and Islam is that they all originated in the Middle East. The arid, mountainous terrain around Palestine, or the Holy land was the site of the birth …show more content…

In fact, Christianity was once thought to be a different branch of Judaism. As stated earlier, there are many similarities between their holy books. Also, Christians and Jews have faced much more persecution in their history than Muslims. Early Christians were persecuted by the Romans until emperor Constantine adopted Christianity as the official religion of Rome. That kicked of major problems for the Jews throughout their history. They have been persecuted in Rome, England, Russia, and Germany, with the worst of all coming during the Holocaust in Nazi Germany. Jews have also been blamed for tragedies such as the Black

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