
What Are The Three Major Monotheistic Religions

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This week our class has been learning about three major monotheistic religions. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have a lot of things in common with each other, but they also have their differences. So I am going to tell you what those differences are, and also what they have that is alike. So get ready to learn about the religions that pretty much take over the world. Judaism is the first oldest out of the three religions that there is. Abraham is the founder of Judaism, and it was founded in Mesopotamia. It has three main locations, Israel, Europe, and the United States. They have their worship day on Saturday instead of on Sunday or Wednesday like a lot of the other religions. They also live by these things called 13 articles of …show more content…

It was founded by a trade merchant from Arabia named Muhammad, and it was founded in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. They worship their religion in a place called a mosque which I think is the same thing as a church, but I’m not too sure. They have these things called the five pillars of faith, and it is the bases of their faith. Islam is the smallest religion out of these few that we have been talking about. Now that we have talked about the three, and said the things that make them different and unique we are going to say their differences and what they have that is alike. They all believe and worship the same God they just call it a different name because of the languages they each speak. They are all consider a religion called Abrahamic religion. All three religions share the Old Testament, and all have a thing called a Holy Book. They all believe in afterlife which means that they believe after someone dies that they will go and live on in another life as something else. That is pretty much all I have to say about these three religions. They are three of the largest religions in the world. It’s funny how they are all the same thing they just don’t realize it because of different languages they all speak. Thanks for reading hope it was good

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