
Compare And Contrast The Actions Of Grant And R. E. Lee

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The Actions of U.S. Grant and R.E. Lee and Its Effects on Civil War

Just like any war, The Civil War has two sides with different opinion. In one side, the Union Army is following their leader Lt. General Ulysses S Grant. In other side of the battlefield, General Robert E Lee leads the Confederate Army. Does the war fought for slavery? Slavery is part of it but it is not the only reason this war is fought. Both sides have different reason in fighting this war, generals and soldiers alike. The Union Army believes they fight to preserve the unity of the United States and, towards the end of war, to abolish slavery in the continental U.S. The Confederate Army believes they fight to protect their homeland, the seceded southern states, and to preserve their way of life. In this bloody war, there are two major characters that play big roles throughout the conflict. They are Robert E Lee and Ulysses S Grant, the highest ranking officer …show more content…

The appearance of Lee walks to the room wearing a new uniform worn by a general. Grant, in other hands, walks to the room wearing “the uniform of a private with the straps of a lieutenant-general7 .In a way, the way their appearances show the personality of both generals. During the surrender, Grant is very generous in his terms of surrender with “each officer and man will be allowed to return to their homes, not to be disturbed by United States authority”8. Despite this, Grant does not understand Lee’s feelings, saying that “whatever [Lee’s] feelings, they were entirely concealed from my observations9. This may the reason why Grant gives such generous term. Grant also gives Lee’s soldiers foods and says that “the rebels are our countrymen again.”10. It shows then from the letter of surrender and his memoir that Grant is very generous to Lee. The generosity is not forgotten by Lee until his death. He often scorn someone who is badmouthing

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