
Compare and Contrast of the Oneida and Cherokee Indians

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The Oneida and the Cherokee A general history of Native Americans has been a part of my education for as long as I can remember. I remember how during the week before Thanksgiving, my 1st grade class did a skit about the “First Thanksgiving”. In order to look like Indians we made vests out of paper grocery bags and crumpled them up to look like leather and drew on them with crayons. When I think of my education of Native American culture, I think of going to North Pacific Reservations and seeing 10-12 ft tall totem poles with the shapes of animals carved into them. Most of the Native American tribes that I have learned about have been Western United States tribes because I grew up in California. When I read the list of Wisconsin Native …show more content…

These sometimes happen on the reservation or in gyms of places such as University of Wisconsin, Green Bay. The Cherokee are another Native American tribe. While the Oneida originated in the Northeastern United States, the Cherokee are known to come from the Southeastern United States. They had villages in the areas of Appalachia, Georgia, the Carolinas, and Tennessee. The Cherokee were different than other Indian tribes of that same Appalachia region. The Cherokee were tall rather than short and stocky and their language was very similar to the language of the Iroquois tribes in New York. Like the Oneida, the Cherokee men were the hunters and the women were the farmers. Although the women did most of the farming, the entire Cherokee community would come together to plant and harvest the big fields of corn, pumpkins, beans, gourds, and potatoes. The women would keep personal gardens outside their homes to have fast growing corn and other produce that they could quickly use to make a meal. The Cherokee were famous for the many dishes that they made with corn. They made breads, soups, used corn as a side dish, and used it in stew. Corn was a necessity in the Cherokee community. Unlike European nations, the Cherokee trace their lineage through the females in their family. In the age of fur trading, many white men would marry Cherokee women, and the mixed children were accepted as

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