
The Cherokee Indians

Decent Essays


Have you ever heard of the Cherokee Indians? Sure you have! Just as a reminder, they are the biggest tribe, and most known of out of all the Indian tribes there has ever been in the southeast. They are very important to American History and helped shaped us to be the Americans we are today, which is clearly what I 'll be explaining in this paper. Throughout the paper, I 'll tell you everything you need to know about the Cherokee Indians and continue to relate to the thesis.

What was their shelter like?

To start off, most people figure that the Cherokee Indians lived in tee-pees, but they did not. They lived in homes built out of mud and other materials around. By the 1700s they lived in cozy log cabins that they had built themselves. Although most of them lived in cabins, a tiny population lived in clapboard houses. Other than the help from Sweden, the log cabins you and me see in the Untied States of America in our daily life 's originated from the Cherokee Indians! Isn 't that cool?!

Where were they located?

The Cherokee Indians were mainly know for living in the southeastern part of the United States of America. But they had moved around several different areas before they discovered their so thought "forever home." They lived there until they were forced to leave to Oklahoma during the trail of tears. Lots of us have heard of the "Smokey Mountains," and the Smokey Mountains is where the Cherokee Indians were famous for living at. Now the area they

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