
Comparing Bill Clinton's Speech And The Contract With America

Decent Essays

There will always be problems within the American government, and dissatisfaction with how the country is running. Clinton’s presidency was an overall prosperous eight years for the country as a whole. He focused in on certain aspects he wanted to resolve, and carried them out. After his re-election he continued to prove his progression with real results. He implemented core principles from the Contract with America while uniting the Democratic and Republican parties. Clinton gave hope to the American people as he balanced the budget, created new jobs, and constructed a newfound leadership. Clinton’s speech and the Contract with America both efficiently addressed problems with the government and managed to solve the main problems. …show more content…

“It can be the beginning of a Congress that respects the values and shares the faith of the American family (31-8). “…we are gaining ground and restoring our fundamental values” (31-9). The conservative values play a large role within these documents because they are a part of how the nation may better itself. Preserving the values may increase the goal for the American Dream. Also, the Contract wanted to set up an ‘American Dream Restoration Act’ to make the dream more achievable for the middle class. Also, balancing the budget was important to achieve in these documents, and eventually was achieved. Through major changes with budget cuts and decreasing welfare, the debt continued to decrease. “Our economy is the healthiest it has been in three decades. We have the lowest combined rates of unemployment and inflation in 27 years” (31-9). Also, Clinton was able to get the Democrats to agree to the largest deficit reduction plan which helped with the budget plan. “...stronger families, more educational opportunities, economic safety, safer streets, and a safer world” (31-9). Decreasing the crime on the street was an important factor in the congressional republicans contract. They wrote about a ‘Taking Back Our Streets Act’, that included an anti-crime package. Overall, the Contract and State of the Union Address were similar with

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