
Comparing Life Of Pi And The Tyger By William Blake

Decent Essays

“Life of Pi” by Yann Martel, and “The Tyger” by William Blake can be seen as comparable from numerous viewpoints.

Though one is a novel and the other is a short poem, the two pieces of writing can be thoroughly analyzed on their perspectives and themes to highlight important aspects in each.

The stories contain a similar animal theme and both question God, yet they differ in their views on God.

A similar aspect in the two stories is the animal theme.
When Pi is trapped on a lifeboat, his only company is a Bengal Tiger. It was in this circumstance that Pi understood the animal need for survival. Pi says of his transformation from a strict vegetarian into someone who expected to kill to survive, that, “I descended to a level of savagery I never imagined possible.” (218). Everyday, Pi felt like he was at a crucial point in his life, since he didn't know whether he would live to see tomorrow, especially with Richard Parker on the lifeboat. This is when Pi’s animal instincts kicked in and mirrored that of the tiger’s. The animal inside of him, and his survival instincts ended up plainly evident in his battle for survival.
In the poem “The Tyger”, the animal theme is exhibited through the narrator’s relentless questions of the tiger. In the poem it says, “What immortal hand or eye, Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?” (23-24). This happens to be the narrator’s way of asking who would dare to create an animal so vicious and dangerous. Throughout the poem, the speaker asks various questions about the ferocity of the creature. Be that as it may, this is the nature of a tiger. They are wild animals that are dangerous, and act on instinct.
In the two stories, the animal theme depicted conflicts with civilization. Pi was forced to abandon his knowledge and behaviour from the civilized life he once led, in order to embrace his animal instincts and survive. In “The Tyger”, we can see the contempt of the speaker while considering the behaviours of the wild animal. By looking at this similar element from the two stories, it is easier to perceive how the two cases may be seen. Pi could be looked upon like the tiger, in that they were similar in their animal ways. Many individuals would not have the strength to do what Pi

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