
Nothing Gold Can Stay

Decent Essays

Something to Consider

Death, war and anger are all results of sin. Human nature cannot stand against these horrible things and question God’s control over the world. A common question that people struggle to understand is “Why would God allow sin to happen?” Even people long ago essentially asked these questions from time to time. Two famous poets from the past even referenced God’s creation and how it behaves today. Even so, a unique way to give an answer to these thoughts is to learn something from them by being aware of how things are today, knowing how sin affected earth, and acknowledging that God is in control of what happens on earth.

Looking at a powerful animal in fascination sends a lot of questions through one’s head. Even with God’s amazing design, this wonder can easily be switched to dismay. William Blake, the author of “The Tyger,” fulfills this interpretation of wonder. In this poem, the speaker seems to be watching a Tiger with great interest. Noticing how much power this animal possesses, our main character states a question as to why God would make such a perfectly dangerous creature. Moving forward in the poem, this question remains unanswered. …show more content…

While the title mentions gold, Frost took gold metaphorically. During the course of the poem, Frost writes about the feeling of paradise and how it never lasts forever. Although enjoying life is not deemed to be wrong, Frost understood how people should enjoy it while they can because eternal paradise mentally and physically is not reality on earth. The main theme of the poem, Frosts references the Garden of Eden and that gives off the impression that Frost really wrote about the loss of that particular paradise. Connecting this point to “The Tyger,” animals were a part of that paradise that man lost, and the consequences are noticed

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