
Comparing Marigold, Squash, Radish, And Wisconsin Fast Plant

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All of the plants involved in the experiment, Marigold, Squash, Radish, and Wisconsin Fast Plant, all were affected by the radiation from Cobalt, but some more than others. The plants all followed a similar trend, which was when the radiation amount would increase, the amount of growth would decrease. In the Marigold plant, the germination percentage for 0 KR started at 54.88%, but increased to 64.55% at 50 KR, before starting to drop it’s percentages lower as the KR amount went up. The squash plant had a continuous drop starting at 69.53% at 0 KR and dropping to 36.72% at 500 KR. The Radish plant started at 81.64% at 0 KR and dropped to 30.73% at 500 KR. The Wisconsin Fast Plant started at 85.16% at 0 KR and dropped a little bit to 64.71%

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