
Comparing The Great Depression And The Great Recession

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The Great Depression and Recession The Great depression happened in two different time period which impact the nation as a whole. The great depression happened began 1929-1939 and the great recession 2007-2009. Between them they have similarities and differences. The Great Depression started between 1929-1939 it took the nation by storm. I destroyed the nation economy. Everything fell because of the stock market crash. The people who invested in the stocks didn't have enough money to pay back the banks. The banks fell out of business and ended up closing because people didn't pay back what they owed . Keeping interest rates artificially low in the 1920s, raised interest rates in 1929 to halt the resulting boom. At that time it was too risky to invest in stocks because they would fall in heavy debt. Factories couldn’t get any loans from banks because they didn't have any money to give, which meant they couldn't make any products and had to lay off works to save money. …show more content…

Unemployment reached 25% of the normal US population. It meant parent couldn't keep food at the table for that long, they had to do anything to keep themselves up and family.They sold many things for cheap. The US production was low alot was less made and worked for during those times Many people had lost their job and most of them work in factories and production. Those factories need money, but those banks didn't have money which led to 6000 banks closing during the Great Depression. President hoover reacted to late in the time of crisis and did too little in this situation. Hoovervilles sprung up to help the people who lost their home during this time. During the great depression there was malnutrition all over the country because of the people who lost their homes and had no money to feed their family and themselves. The great depression came with many causes to

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