
Comparison Of The Classical Chinese Empires And The Roman Empire

Decent Essays

Classical Chinese Empires Compared to Roman Empire

Classical Chinese Empires and the Roman Empire were massive Empires that both became some of the most well known Empires in the world. The Romans were set out to conquer the lands of Europe and take anyone out in their path. The Chinese Dynasties lasted for a 4,000 year span of many Emperors like the Zhou Dynasty, Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty. They both had a reason on why they lasted so long, Rome were very serious for their army because when you got to the age of 7 you were sent to an extensive army camp which you would stay until you are 18. China had their Innovation and trade. For example the Han Dynasty were lucky enough to use the silk roads which got them tons of silk to trade to other empires. The Qin Dynasty had some of the first modern roads so they can travel with ease.

Classical Chinese Empires and the Roman Empire were both a big political power in their times. Chinese governments had a centralized government, same with the Roman’s. Both empires were very scared of their dynasties spreading out. This happened to the Greek-City State Athens, they were very decentralized and Athens spread out to make new villages. This caused Athens to eventually fall because they couldn’t take the power of the Roman Empire. Both were very successful and they accomplished many great achievements with the many leaders they both had. Innovation similarities were very similar as well because both empires invented and carried

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