
Concealed Gun And Gun Control

Decent Essays

“Every year, one out of every five people is a victim of a crime in the United States. No other nation on earth has a rate that is higher” (Snyder). The world we live in is full of fear and anger. Citizens have a right to feel safe within their homes; within their lives. The American Constitution gives citizens the right to keep and bear arms; the citizens also have a right to protect their self, their homes, and their family; therefore, call the citizens of the United States of America should have the right conceal carry a weapon. “Carrying a concealed handgun in public is permitted in all 50 states as of 2013, when Illinois became the last state to enact concealed carry legislation. Some states require gun owners to obtain permits while others have "unrestricted carry" and do not require permits” (Concealed Guns). Conceal carry is having a weapon on oneself without the weapon being in public view. Many Americans believe conceal carry is a Constitutional right, while others believe that conceal carry is a dangerous activity. Citizens have the right to protect theirself. “Rather than being victims, concealed handgun carriers have a sense of safety and security, especially when going outside at night or in dangerous areas. According to a 2001 study by the National Opinion Research Center, 59% of people who carry a gun outside the home do so because it makes them feel safer” (Concealed Guns). Conceal carry gives citizens the right to hide their protection. “The concealed

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