
Gun Control Laws: A Concealed Carry In The United States

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Did you know that 42% of Americans will be the victim of a completed violent crime (assault, robbery, rape) in the course of their lives(Agresti)? Yes, that is a very scary thing to think about. But did you ever think that gun control laws could be the number one reason why that number is so high? Gun control in America does not need to increase in order to make gun related violence decrease, make it easier to carry concealed weapons, and to enable individuals to be better equipped to protect themselves and their families. Gun control laws should not increase because as of right now it is already hard enough for people to be able to own a gun even if they aren't convicted felons. All of the mass shootings, the home invasions that end in broken …show more content…

One pro to carrying a concealed carry would be that if someone was to come onto a school campus and start to shoot, the use of a concealed carry could make a difference between five and all the lives of the children in the school. Another pro to having a concealed carry would be that people feel safer around you. Let's say if you were in a neighborhood that you were normally scared of but you were with a person that had a concealed carry, would you be more scared to walk through that neighborhood or would you feel more protected and not be as scared? Also, neighborhoods that have people that live in them, which concealed carry permits are more likely to have a low crime rate because the criminals are scared to stir up any trouble in those …show more content…

Has anyone yet thought of a way to keep them from happening? To name a few mass shootings that could have had a different outcome if a concealed weapon would have been on campus would be easy. I would not have to name any because on most school campuses the security or School Resource Officers are supposed to have a weapon on them at all times to ensure that the school and the children inside are safe. But there are some that needed someone with a concealed carry to step in, like Columbine and Sandy Hook. These two events have many things in common. But the most looked at would be that they all are supposed to have some type of security. But on that day the security failed to do its job. It is easy for people to say that it is the shooters fault and people come up with excuses like “He is mental” or “he has problems”. Not to be rude but we all have problems. That does not mean that is is okay for people to shoot innocent people just because they are “mental” or have problems, because at the end of the day those children have families and their families will be devastated because of what that shooter did. To talk about Columbine, On April 20, 1999, two teens went on a shooting spree at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, killing 13 people and wounding more than 20 others before turning their guns on themselves and committing suicide. The crime was the worst high school shooting

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