
Consequenses of Freedom in The Story of an Hour" and "A Pair of Silk Stocking" by Chopin

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In "The Story of an Hour" and "A pair of silk stocking" Chopin illustrates how women face the consequences of never acquiring happiness in their lives if they follow the ways society expects them too.
In "the story of an hour" Chopin discuss how getting married can lead you to live a life of anguish. In the beginning of the short story Mrs. Mallard revives terrible news that her husband has been recently killed, she "Wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment." This intense reaction is how society would expect her to act if your husband dies. Mrs. Mallard then goes into her bedroom to grieve alone: "She could see in the open square before her house the tops of the trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life." Seeing the open …show more content…

She had every right to spend money on herself, go where she wanted, and do whatever she wanted to do without anyone questioning her. Having kids and a husband has affected her freedom greatly, which is internally affecting her. With all these responsibilities "she had no time- no second of time to devote to the past." Mrs. Sommers can't dwell in the past with so many things to do; she needs to focus on getting though the present day with little money to spend. With never looking back on the past or the future she is now trained in thinking that tomorrow will never come. Just like Mrs. Mallard not thinking for herself and dreading the next day being the same, Mrs. Sommers has transformed into a typical mother. Everyday is the same to her all she does is take care of her kids. Chopin continues to display how following the expectations of society can be detrimental. After Mrs. Sommers figured out what she wanted to spend on her children, she went shopping. She went into a store and sat down for a minute feeling a bit tired and her hand unintentionally touched something wonderful. "She looked down to see that her hand lay upon a pile of silk stockings." Feeling these stockings made her feel alive; she has wanted something this nice for a long time. she bought them and went to change into them, "She was not thinking at all." When a women has been deprived of nice stuff for so long, and they stop thinking in the mind

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