
Constitutio On The Open Mind Summary

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The Constitution of the United States is a carefully thought and written document. It is designed to provide for a strong and flexible government, to meet the needs of the public, yet sufficiently limited and just to protect the rights of American citizens; it permits a balance between society's need for order and the individual's right to freedom. Article III of the Constitution establishes the federal judiciary. The section states that "The judicial Power of the United States”, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in other inferior courts as established by the Congress. Although the Constitution establishes the Supreme Court, Congress has the power to decide how to organize it, however the Supreme Court Justices decide the cases. There has been a recent controversy on whether or not Congress should hold the most power when it comes to interpreting the meaning of the …show more content…

Ms. Greenhouse talks about the extensive experience the justices have and their ability to understand cases on a case-by-case basis. From her experience working at the Supreme Court she has seen how the justices perform and rule on cases such as those involving capital punishment. Greenhouse concludes that the court should not hold a position to decide against what the people want, such as in the case of creating laws against abortion, however her opinion is consistent with the belief that the court justices are in fact the more qualified interpreters of the Constitution. The majority of the public believes that the Constitution should be interpreted according to what it means in current times and the justices use discretion to do exactly this and apply fair rulings to cases that question the

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