
Coping With Death In Nursing Essay

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Nurses are prone to deal with death, whether they would prefer it or not. Although, there is an increase of medical advances to slow the progression of death, it is inevitable that patients will die. When a patient dies, nurses must deal with the grief and emotions that encompasses death. Due to the nature of how often nurses deal with death, it leads to an increase awareness of how they will someday face their own death. The increase in emotions and grief leads to an overwhelming increase in stress for nurses. Continuous increase in stress can lead to burn out in nurses. Therefore, nurses must learn effective coping methods of death to reduce any devastating emotions and maintain professionalism.
Key Words: nurses, death, coping, grief
The Importance of Coping with Death in Nursing
Death is inevitable at some point everyone must face it. Whether it is the death of a family member, friend, or a family pet, people are forced to deal with the death. Nurses however have more frequent encounters with death than the average person does. When a patient dies in a healthcare setting his or her nurse is obligated to deal with that as well. They must find ways to cope with the increased amount of death that …show more content…

Cumulative grief is known as a caregiver’s emotional response to many episodes of grief (Shorter & Stayt). The multiple encounters with death give a nurse no opportunity to grieve adequately or completely for each individual patient that has died (Shorter & Stay, 2010). The unresolved grief accumulates and can lead to emotional and physicals problems which can then effect a nurse professionally and personally (Shorter & Stayt, 2010). The effects of cumulative grief include denial, feelings of decreased personal competency, overwhelming grief, low self-esteem, and pre-occupation with death (Shorter & Stayt,

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