
Core Arguments Of The Criminological Perspectives

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Criminological Perspectives
Every day I enter the gates of a prison, sign out my keys, walk to my office and start my day. The first thing I do is log on to my computer, check my work email and then start inputting the details of last night’s new arrivals into our database. I stop pause and then wonder how, why, what makes a person commit a crime. Many crimes are committed throughout the world. There are several factors that instinctively contribute to one’s misconduct which can be explained by criminological theories. There are many core arguments of the criminological perspectives. These theories may help us to understand the problem. In this essay I will describe the criminological perspectives of Trait (biological/psychological), Social (structure/process), and Classical/Choice (deterrence) while addressing each of their core arguments; I will support an argument for which of the two sentencing models (determinate or indeterminate) is most likely to be effective at addressing crime from each of the three perspectives; and I will discuss …show more content…

This theory also implies that the skills to commit crime are influenced by the people they associate with (Akers, 2012). The social process theory is based on the controls that society places on individuals through various institutions such as schools, workplaces, churches, and families are the causation for crime (Siegel & Welsh, 2014). This theory basically states that the reason people commit a crime is because of their environment. Crime is committed because of need and not due to a birth defect. This is much like a recent story I read on Facebook, where a teenage home intruder was shot and killed. His family instead of admitting that the teenager was wrong blamed the hard working person who shot him for the teen’s mistake. This is a great example social

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