
Core Themes In Macbeth

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Recall the story of Snow White. The girl took a bite out of an apple because it looked delectable. Little did she know that it would knock her out and put her into a deep sleep. Think about the tale of Aladdin. He found this magic lamp which was to bring him an immense fortune, but his greed got the best of him and it ended up consuming him in the end. The Lion King, a young cub was exiled after his father’s death, only to return years later and take back his rightful throne. In Hercules, an evil god was given a prophecy by three fates and forced them to come true which resulted in his own undoing. Macbeth shares a template with a plethora of tales and stories, many of which have gained popularity in the Walt Disney Franchise. Whilst these narratives and the play may have different overall storylines and characters, the vital themes and character framework remain very similar to the core ideas of the 16th-century play. In order to fully chew and digest a story, you must be made aware of the theme (s) of said tale. Main themes in the tale of Macbeth are those of “Controlling your Fate”, “Trading your soul for something you desire”, and “Gender Roles”. These themes are very well portrayed in Disney Classics. Macbeth killed many people in order to protect himself and the throne by the guidelines of the prophecy that three witches told him, as so in the case of Banquo and his son Fleance. Macbeth killed Banquo because Banquo was growing suspicious of Macbeth’s morality.

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