
Corporate Social Responsibility Essay

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Chapter I: Introduction

1.1 Background

Corporate social responsibility according to Henderson (2001) can be defined as the commitment of organizations to help society by improving working and living conditions of employees, their families, and the community as a whole.
The use of CSR as a discipline has its foundation on past centuries, when some kind of social awareness was practiced by companies at the time, nevertheless most authors concur that from the 1960’s onwards, the developmental pace of the subject increase considerably and it became the real basis in which CSR stands in current times, each of the last five decades has played an important role for the discipline, especially the 1990’s decade when general social …show more content…

The correct establishment of these responsible guidelines would probably enrich the relationships that the corporation holds with stakeholders and any other entity that is affected by their operations. However, it is also important to understand the effects that social responsibility actions have on the purchase intention of consumers.

Several researches have explored the connection between CSR and purchase intention. Creyer and Ross (1997) found that the ethical behaviour of companies in considered by consumers during purchase decision. Mohr et al. (2001) also supported this assumption and suggested that there is a ‘substantial market segment’ paying attention to companies’ CSR practices. A research developed by Prabu et al. (2005) obtained similar findings and added that Social Responsibility has as well a positive effect on corporate identity.

1.2 Research Aim and Objectives

Once a brief overview of the CSR discipline as well as its main benefits for consumers and organizations have been stated, it becomes clearer and relevant to state the Aim and main objectives of this academic investigation.

1.2.1 Aim statement:

The Aim of this research is to establish the influence that the

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