
Crazy Eddie Case Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

In Crazy Eddie Case, a former CPA, Sam E. Antar, was a key individual who helped Eddie Antar mastermind one of the largest securities frauds uncovered during the 1980s. Sam admitted that he had no empathy whatsoever for investors because he never concerned about morality or the suffering of those victims. Next I’ll analysis Crazy Eddie Case from ethical perspective and use Ethical Decision Making Model to evaluate Sam’s possible behaviors. 1. Frame the ethical issue: Should Sam join his cousin and become a willing participant in the massive fraud? 2. Gather all the facts:
(1)Eddie had financed Sam’s college degree in accounting and hired him to serve as the CFO. (2)Eddie kept skimming cash from his private business to avoid …show more content…

No in this case, because the company was closely held and collusion of top management can always circumvent internal controls. 6. Identify the accounting and auditing issue: (1) Crazy Eddie’s behavior of overstating year-end inventory is against GAAP requirements. (2)Management has the responsibility to fairly present financial statements in accordance with GAAP. 7. List all the possible alternatives that you can or cannot do: (1)Keep going along with Eddie and fooling those investors. (2) Refuse to cooperate anymore and consider resigning from CFO’s position. (3) Successfully persuading Eddie to stop committing fraud and to restate prior year statements. (4)Eddie refuses to stop the series of fraud, so Sam fully discloses the information to public. 8. Compare and weigh the alternatives: (1)It’s against the SEC laws and inconsistent with GAAP standards; unfair to stockholders; uncertainty about how long the company can cover up the deficiencies which keep growing with the company; honesty and integrity are challenged. (2)Loyalty to Eddie and the company is challenged. No more personal financial benefit can be generated from the rising stock price and the CFO position any more. Investors are still kept in the dark. (3) The company’s stock price may drop significantly when investors learn about the truth; company may face bankruptcy due to loss of public confidence. The wealth of Eddie’s whole family will shrink seriously. (4) While Eddie may

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