
Criminal Justice : The United States

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Criminal Justice Job Information Did you know that 3.2% of the United States population is under some sort of control by the criminal justice system? This percentage consists of any offender from small crimes all the way to very large crimes such as murders and federal crimes. The field of criminal justice is very important to our everyday lives. The field is growing and needs more workers to support it. To begin, with any officer in the field of criminal justice, knowledge is a factor that is extremely important. If an officer is not knowledgeable in a subject, it could come back to them later in the future in the form of a lawsuit. To make sure officers have the precise amount of training the POST program was in the 1950’s according to Schmallegar (184-186). In addition, many state and local agencies will contribute to an officer’s education as well. An ample amount of training is provided to make sure the officer’s training requirements are met. Schmallegar says that “self-defense, human relations, firearms, legal aspects of policing, patrol, criminal investigations, administration, report writing, ethics computers and cultural diversity” are all-important parts of the training (184). Most jobs within a job involved in this field use on the job training to give the trainee more experience (Kazmi). Next, on the job training is a process that varies by the job within the criminal justice field. For example, a police officer in training may ride with another officer to

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