
Critical Reflection: Clinical Skill Assessment

Decent Essays

Clinical Skill Assessment
Part C: Critical Reflection
In a clinical skill assessment during week 5, I chose to perform the skill based on the case scenario number 2. I was performing under the supervision of Bianca, giving subcutaneous injection for a patient, Grace Kelly, who had undergone abdominal surgery. At the beginning, I have read the case scenario, look at the medication chart and calculate the drug before administering to the patient for 2 minutes.
Afterward I have 8 minutes to perform the skill and complete the assessment, moreover my peer was recorded the video whilst I was performing. I started off by indicating the patient’s condition to the supervisor, then double check the medication, and gather the equipment to …show more content…

Doing that giving some confidence and controlled the nerve that goes through my head. During the assessment, I lost the focus on the medication calculation. At the reading time, I used my simple calculation ability to calculate the medication, I thought that is going to be fine. However, before giving the medication, my supervisor asked me how did I calculate the medication. I felt intimidated because I knew that I did it incorrectly, I told her how I did it, I was confused and the supervision might also realised as I was explaining it for 2 minutes and she told me to move …show more content…

Moreover, calculating and administering the right dose is consisted in the 6 Rights of Medication management. An article called “Medication calculation competencies for registered nurses: a literature review” highlights, in Australia it is estimated that medication errors are responsible for 27% of adverse event deaths, and hospital studies demonstrate that harmful medication errors are reported in approximately 1% of all admissions. As the student nurse caring for Grace, this also applies to my own practice as a student

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