
Customer Relationship Management Essay

Decent Essays

CRM - Customer Relationship Management CRM: What are the benefits? Excellent customer service is about being aware of customer needs and reacting to them effectively. CRM helps you to understand, anticipate and respond to your customers ' needs in a consistent way, right across your organization. Practicing CRM requires an efficient and integrated internal business system. Many businesses benefit from the organizational discipline CRM imposes, as well as from the technology itself. CRM will help your business if you view it as a set of tools that let you do more more for, and get more from, your customer. CRM can: • Develop better communication channels • Collect vital data, like customer details and order histories …show more content…

8. More new business If you are delivering the ultimate customer experience, this will seed the word-of-mouth buzz, which will spawn more new business. 9. More Profit! More business at lower cost equals more profit. DSS Let 's start with the advantages: 1) Time savings. For all categories of decision support systems, research has demonstrated and substantiated reduced decision cycle time, increased employee productivity and more timely information for decision making. The time savings that have been documented from using computerized decision support are often substantial. Researchers have not however always demonstrated that decision quality remained the same or actually improved. 2) Enhance effectiveness. A second category of advantage that has been widely discussed and examined is improved decision making effectiveness and better decisions. Decision quality and decision making effectiveness are however hard to document and measure. Most research has examined soft measures like perceived decision quality rather than objective measures. For example, Hogue and Watson (1983) reported the most important reason managers cited for using a 3) Improve interpersonal communication. DSS can improve communication and collaboration among decision makers. In appropriate circumstances, communications-driven and group DSS have had this impact. Model-driven DSS provide

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