
Cultural Differences Between The United States And Saudi Arabia

Decent Essays

Every country has its own culture and tradition. It is not only different

from one country to another, but also it is different from one city to

another city in the same country. There are culture differences between

two different countries and how these cultures affect and shape

people’s behaviors. The United States and Saudi Arabia have a lot of

culture diversities such as, food, popular myths,weddings.

One of the most culture differences between Saudi Arabia and United

States is the food. In fact, each country has its own style of cooking food.

Kabsah is a really famous and popular in Saudi Arabia, and Saudis people

Love Kabsah so much. The components of Kabsah are chicken, rice, spices,

water, and little oil. These components come together into …show more content…

Because the Burqa is a traditional thing, women

should wear that when they go outside. (Women cannot be a friends with a

men until women get married ; after that, it is depending to their husband’s

thinking on theses situations) Zahra Bahman,326. Saudis men wear Thob and

Bsht, which are Saudis formal dress, and these clothes come with many

different kind of colors. On the other hand, Americans women and men meet

together in one place. American women and men can dance together in the

wedding. Americans drink alcohol in the weddings because it is legal in United

States. Americans have different clothes than Saudis, so American men wear

suit in the weddings. On the other hand, American women wear their own

style of clothes which is the formal dress. Weddings are different in every

country because of the cultures.

The cultures around the world are very different. The way people live

around the world depends on the norms internalized by their societies.

Food, popular myths, and weddings are the most popular culture differences

between Saudi Arabia and United

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