
Essay on Cultural Universals Between United States and China

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According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the definition of culture is “the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group”. Every country has its specific culture and there are some obvious cultural universals between China and America. One example of such cultural universal is the directness of American versus the humbleness of the Chinese people. Another example would be the self independence of the young Americans versus the young Chinese who tend to depend on their parents. What I would like to cover are the holidays observed by United States and China, roles played in the family by husband and wife, parenting styles and conflict management.
Holidays observed
There are two similar …show more content…

The father usually holds the dominant role and decision maker. According to quintessential website, it mentioned that the institution of family is the pinnacle of society. It also mentioned that the traditional Chinese family has a hierarchical order with the man as the head of the family. The father of the house is also responsible for housing and educating his children up until the time of their marriage.
The American families advocate equality. The husband and the wife usually have an equality voice in decision-making, and on certain matters, family members are regarded as friend and they should treated equality in daily life.
Parenting Style
Yale law professor Amy Chua wrote a book named “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” and it talks about parenting styles between the Chinese verses the Western styles. She said that parents who set high standards tend to have kids who are more successful at school. It’s also clear that Chinese parents tend to spend more time pushing their kids to study, practice, and achieve. Her book created a huge controversial piece for the Wall Street Journal on “Why Chinese mothers are Superior “. This article is about the response of Amy Chua to all the book readers that she believed took her parenting methods too serious. It explains how many

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